Kelly Berry
Physical Therapist
220 E. Center Hill Road
Dallas PA 18612
Kelly Berry, MSPT is a physical therapist with PRO Rehabilitation Services. Kelly graduated from Misericordia University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science and his Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy. Kelly joined PRO Rehabilitation Services in October 2010.
Kelly is committed to providing exceptional care to his clients. This means striving to achieve clinical excellence in a patient centered treatment model. He is motivated to obtain optimally functional outcomes in an evidence based approach helping people to move better. Kelly has extensive experience in the treatment of conditions/injuries related to orthopedics, post-surgical, sports, pediatrics, deconditioning, and much more. He utilizes his strong skills in manual therapy, pain science, and IASTM, and his knowledge of sports and weight lifting to treat patients with a variety of conditions. Kelly is also McKenzie Certified Physical Therapist.
Kelly resides in Harvey’s Lake PA with his wife, Ashlee, son, Joey, and daughter, Ayla. He enjoys spending time with his family and is always involved with projects around the house. He enjoys being outdoors hunting.