Aquatic Therapy

At PRO Rehabilitation Services, our therapists have the training and experience to provide highly effective Aquatic Therapy to help relieve painful conditions. When your body is immersed in water, buoyancy is experienced, relieving physical stress on your body and increasing ease of movement.

Our therapists at PRO Rehabilitation Services utilize advanced aquatic therapy to help our patients with at a variety of problems including but not limited to:

Neck/Back injuries
Shoulder injuries
Joint Replacements
Sports Injuries
Herniated Discs
Plantar Fasciitis
Auto Injuries
Gastric Bypass

Many doctors recommend aquatic therapy to help achieve earlier mobility following many types of surgery. The buoyancy of water allows for greater ease in walking without assistance and decreases the fear of falling. The pressure applied to the body by the water, or hydrostatic pressure, reduces edema (swelling), which allows for enhanced tissue healing.

The water’s natural resistance provides a safe environment for progressive active resistive exercise. Aquatic Therapy at PRO Rehabilitation Services provides a safe and comfortable atmosphere to improve flexibility and range of motion, strength, coordination and balance.

Our Aquatic Therapy Treatment Program includes appropriate exercises for diagnosed conditions. Our Treatment programs may include:

  • Exercises for trunk stabilization and postural correction
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Sport Specific exercises
  • Endurance Training
  • Exercises for balance and coordination
  • Exercises for pregnant women and those who have recently given birth

Throughout the patient’s rehabilitative process, our physical therapists communicate with your doctor through written reports detailing your recommended treatment program and your continued progress. This ensures our patients receive the treatment that our therapists and your doctor agree is precisely right for your situation.


Lee Nawracay-Baskin
Physical Therapist Assistant


Steven Balut
Physical Therapist Assistant
Anna Osieski
Physical Therapist Assistant


Melissa Jones
Physical Therapist Assistant


"The Doctor's Choice For Physical & Occupational Therapy"

Plains - Berwick - Bloomsburg - Clarks Summit - Dallas - Elysburg - Hanover Township - Hazleton - Moosic - Mountain Top - New Milford - Peckville - Pittston - Plains - River St. - Shamokin - Tunkhannock

Corporate HQ
1086 Highway 315 | Plaza 315 | Plains PA 18702
phone 570-823-PRO1 (7761) | fax 570-829-PRO1 (7761)

Copyright © PRO Rehabilitation 2025

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